Wise Giving Wednesday: Growing Needs in Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine expands, new challenges emerge as organizations seek to provide relief assistance. In making donation choices to help Ukrainians, BBB Wise Giving Alliance suggests that generous contributors also consider the following in addition to the advice in our previous blogs offering tips and a list of Ukraine relief charities that meet BBB Charity Standards (i.e., BBB Accredited.)
Transportation and Distribution Obstacles
As reported by Associated Press, “With ports blocked and roads made treacherous by bombings, charities currently can’t send humanitarian aid into Ukraine through normal channels.” Ukraine relief charities will seek to adapt to such war-torn conditions, others may see their plans delayed. This problem also spotlights the importance of funding charities that are experienced in providing emergency relief needs, especially those that already have a presence in Ukraine before the invasion started. For example, the International Committee of the Red Cross states that it has been working in Ukraine since 2014 with a team of over 600 staff members.
Increasing Needs of Refugees and Other Ukrainians
The UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, indicates that over 2 million people have fled Ukraine into neighboring countries with Poland receiving the largest volume. The American Red Cross states it has sent crisis responders to Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania to help provide humanitarian relief and assist families who left their homes. The International Rescue Committee notes that it is also working in Poland to provide sleeping bags, medical supplies and other needs to refugees. UNHCR “estimates that 12 million people inside Ukraine will need relief and protection while more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees may need protection and assistance from neighboring countries in the coming months.”
Newly Created Ukraine Relief Efforts
While newly established Ukraine relief efforts may have the most sincere and best intentions at heart, it will be difficult to provide help quickly and efficiently without the knowledge and skills in identifying developing needs and utilizing established connections on the ground. Donors are encouraged to consider supporting experienced relief organizations.
As this crisis evolves, there will be many opportunities to donate. BBB Wise Giving Alliance will continue to identify information to help you make more informed donation decisions.
Video of the Week
As part of the Building Trust Video Series, we are pleased to provide a video featuring Lindsay Jones, President & CEO, National Center for Learning Disabilities (a BBB Accredited Charity) advocates for federal policies, convenes experts to discuss issues facing the field, runs online programs, and publishes research and resources to improve practices in schools. The organization advocates for local and national policy to reduce barriers and increase access for all. The organization also reports that its research seeks to ensure emerging education initiatives benefit students with learning and attention issues.
Heart of Giving Podcast
In this week's Heart of Giving Podcast, BBB WGA President and CEO, Art Taylor, interviews Eva Aldrich, the President and CEO of CFRE International. CFRE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to setting standards in philanthropy through a trustworthy certification process for fundraising professionals. Eva discuss the value of the work that CFRE is doing in the world of organized philanthropy.