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Thumbnail for Wise Giving Wednesday:  Online Charity Fundraising

Wise Giving Wednesday: Online Charity Fundraising

As reported in The NonProfit Times, the Nonprofit Tech for Good (a social and mobile media resource for nonprofit professionals) conducted research for a new survey: The Global NGO Technology Report. Th
Feb 28, 2018
Thumbnail for Wise Giving Wednesday:  Fundraising for Victims of Parkland Shooting

Wise Giving Wednesday: Fundraising for Victims of Parkland Shooting

It is with heavy hearts that we endure another mass shooting which resulted in the senseless deaths of 17 school children, this time at a high school in Parkland, Florida. As expected many are motivated
Feb 22, 2018
Thumbnail for Wise Giving Wednesday:  BBB WGA Presentation at National Health Council Conference

Wise Giving Wednesday: BBB WGA Presentation at National Health Council Conference

Last week, the National Health Council held its 2018 Health Leadership Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This is a membership organization that includes over 100 national health-related orga
Feb 14, 2018
Thumbnail for Wise Giving Wednesday:  Donating Cars to Charity

Wise Giving Wednesday: Donating Cars to Charity

For some households, the donation of a car to charity can represent the single largest contribution made to charity during the year. This is all the more reason for donors to make sure their generosity
Feb 07, 2018
Thumbnail for Wise Giving Wednesday:  Drop in Trust in Non-Profit Organizations in U.S.

Wise Giving Wednesday: Drop in Trust in Non-Profit Organizations in U.S.

For the past 18 years, Edelman, a global communications marketing firm, has produced a Trust Barometer that involves an online survey of over 33,000 people in 25 countries (1,150 per country) that, amon
Jan 31, 2018
Thumbnail for Wise Giving Wednesday:  Myths and Misperceptions of Charity Salaries

Wise Giving Wednesday: Myths and Misperceptions of Charity Salaries

Questions about executive compensation at charitable organizations have been an issue of donor interest almost as long as charities have been soliciting. Unfortunately, there are some donors who believe
Jan 25, 2018 ᴮᴱᵀᴬ ᴮᴱᵀᴬ logo is an interactive digital window into the research and thinking of is ᴮᴱᵀᴬ logo is an interactive digital window into the research and thinking of

Try asking questions like these:
"How can I avoid getting defrauded with my donation?"
"How can I safely donate my car?" is
