Advancing Collaboration with Global Impact


About the Organization

Global Impact is an organization that “works on charitable ventures to inspire greater giving. They serve as a trusted advisor, intermediary and implementing partner across the private, nonprofit and public sectors. Their expertise includes fundraising and partnerships, employee engagement, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and finance and business services.”

Featured Guest
Scott Jackson
President and CEO
Global Impact

Approach to Collaboration

Global Impact has adopted partnerships as a part of its vision because they understand to raise resources, it is essential to collaborate with other organizations. This is reflected in its mission: “Global Impact builds partnerships and resources for the world’s most vulnerable people.” Collaboration and supporting others on collaborative efforts have become critical for the accomplishment of Global Impact’s mission. Collaboration is at the core of any partnership, and they believe that, increasingly, the ability of an organization to maximize impact will be based on its ability to partner and not only rely on its own resources and activities.

One example of their collaborations is a coalition based on the UK’s DEC model (Disaster Emergency Coalition), which unites different nonprofits after significant disasters. These nonprofits pledge to stop their fundraising activities for a period of time and raise funds together through the coalition. With this model in mind, eight major NGOs formed the Global Emergency Response Coalition in 2017 to initially raise funds for the East Africa Hunger Crisis, with Global Impact serving as their fiscal sponsor. This collaborative model proved to be attractive to many donors—raising over $5 million in a short period of time.

Scott recommends that any collaboration takes into account the nine considerations as the continuum of what you need to be a good collaborator.

Application of the 9 Considerations for Collaboration

Build Trust

Scott feels that if we can connect our personal story to the people we want to work with and the causes we work for, it is much easier to build trust. It is also vital for partners to talk about their shared goals and what they want to achieve together. Storytelling is a big part of building trust.

Have a Vision

Global Impact believes successful collaborations always consider two things. The first is the manageable self-interest of each organization: know why you want to collaborate and what you need from your collaborator. The other is the impact and results the organizations want to achieve together. Organizations should consider these two factors before starting a collaboration to help ensure success.

Seek to Assure the Success of Your Collaborators

Collaboration is most successful when all collaborators have an equal voice and are engaged in the co-creation of the collaboration. The Global Emergency Response Coalition is an example of collaborating partners working together to co-create.

Take Stock

In Scott’s opinion, it is imperative to take stock of your organization’s reasons to partner. If you only contemplate how to be a good partner, you may not be considering the right things. Fundraising and marketing are examples of areas to take stock and consider the different skills and resources each collaborator can bring to the table.

Start Small

Starting small is excellent advice. It is essential to give your collaboration breathing room to grow.

Fail Fast, and Build Rigorous Feedback Loops

Failing helps you to evolve and learn. It teaches you how to succeed by utilizing different methods. It is important to innovate more quickly as a result of failings.

Take a Portfolio Approach

More and more nonprofits now have a chief partnership or global engagement officer. Increasingly, these positions support the growth of partnership portfolios within organizations.

Consider Non-traditional Partners

Working across different sectors will become essential in the future. Collaborations are an opportunity to bring together non-traditional partners including public, private, and nonprofit entities, social enterprises, beneficiaries, individual donors, and more.

Keep Your Donors Apprised of Your Collaborations

Remember to bring donors along with you as equal partners in the collaboration.

Future Collaborations

Committed to supporting collaborations, Global Impact has adopted the tagline: Charitable ventures for greater giving.

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