Copyrights and Trademarks


BBB’s website including national charity reports, copyright 2024, BBB Wise Giving Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

The names Better Business Bureau, BBB, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, and the BBB Accredited Charity seal and torch logo, are service marks owned by the International Association of Better Business Bureaus (IABBB.) These marks may be used, with certain restrictions, only by BBBs and eligible charities participating in BBB programs under a license agreement.

Charities interested in obtaining a charity seal must first agree to participate in charity reporting process (at no charge) to determine if the organization meets all 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. A charity that meets all of these standards is called a BBB Accredited Charity. Such BBB Accredited Charities have the option to obtain a license for the BBB charity seal for a sliding scale fee. Nationally soliciting charities should visit the website and/or contact the BBB Wise Giving Alliance for more information. Regionally soliciting charities should contact the Better Business Bureau serving that area.

Any use of these marks by others must be with the express permission of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance or IABBB. It is IABBB policy to take action against all unauthorized use of its marks.

What happens when an organization misuses a BBB trademark?

In most instances, when we advise an entity that it is misusing or infringing our trademarks, the organization readily complies with our request to modify its advertising or website. From time to time, however, IABBB has had to sue infringers. We will advise the public about entities that continue, without authorization, to use our marks by putting up an alert on their report (if they have one).

Have further questions about the use of BBB trademarks? Please e-mail us. ᴮᴱᵀᴬ ᴮᴱᵀᴬ logo is an interactive digital window into the research and thinking of is ᴮᴱᵀᴬ logo is an interactive digital window into the research and thinking of

Try asking questions like these:
"How can I avoid getting defrauded with my donation?"
"How can I safely donate my car?" is
